US Army Air Force
The U.S. Army Air force was a branch within the Army that was responsible for Aerial defenses and assets during WWII. Since they were part of the Army their regular service and field uniforms were the same as those worn by Army enlisted and officer personnel in any other branch of the Army. However, the Army did authorize the use of specialized uniforms and equipment required for air crewman while flying. Air crews and pilots wore special flying suits and boots (Not available from us) and leather flying jackets (shown below) that protected them from grease and grime, as well as the colder temperatures at high altitudes. Some pilots and crews not actively serving in combat situations flew their aircraft wearing basic uniform items without much of the very technical flying equipment.
This page is an index of the various components of the Officer's Field Uniform including flight jackets made by Cockpit USA, which is an American based company offering quality durable domestically made replica flight jackets. We pride ourselves in offering garments made in the USA and Cockpit USA fits right in to our product line.